On this page, you will find a variety of colors, many of which are used somewhere in the Oo Kingdom. The name of each color appears on each sample, along with the hex code used to denote the color in CSS.
Sixteen of the colors are marked with an asterisk (*). These colors can be denoted by name as well as by code. Other colors not designated as “Umm” can also be denoted by name for all modern browsers… but there are no guarantees! Only sixteen color names are recognized by the W3C; the others don’t have to be supported by all browsers.
The “Umm” at the beginning of some color names requires a bit of explanation. You see, Umm is short for Ummamum, which was part of the name of our old website, Ummamum’s Kingdom. All of our Ummamum stuff now resides in Ummamum’s World, but we still use “Umm” in the name of most of our original colors (those not found in our Color Picker).
The first block of colors below consists of colors with red, green and blue values of zero (00), 128 (80) or 255 (ff) only. The block contains 27 colors, of which 15 are standard color names (marked with a *), two are other named colors, and 10 are Umms.
Color | Hex |
Black* | #000000 |
Navy* | #000080 |
Blue* | #0000ff |
Maroon* | #800000 |
Purple* | #800080 |
Umm Blue Violet | #8000ff |
Red* | #ff0000 |
Umm Deep Pink | #ff0080 |
Fuchsia* | #ff00ff |
Green* | #008000 |
Teal* | #008080 |
Umm Deep Sky | #0080ff |
Olive* | #808000 |
Gray* | #808080 |
Umm Light Blue | #8080ff |
Umm Orange | #ff8000 |
Umm Peach | #ff8080 |
Umm Light Fuchsia | #ff80ff |
Lime* | #00ff00 |
Spring Green | #00ff80 |
Aqua* | #00ffff |
Chartreuse | #80ff00 |
Umm Light Green | #80ff80 |
Umm Light Aqua | #80ffff |
Yellow* | #ffff00 |
Umm Light Yellow | #ffff80 |
White* | #ffffff |
This next block of colors doesn’t follow any particular pattern. They are just special colors that we have chosen for use on this site. Of the 28 colors, one (Silver) is standard, 13 others are already named, and 13 are Umms. The last color, House of Oo Blue, is also original.
Color | Hex |
Honeydew | #f0fff0 |
Umm Mint Green | #ccffcc |
Lemon Chiffon | #fffacd |
Blanched Almond | #ffebcd |
Misty Rose | #ffe4e1 |
Lavender Blush | #fff0f5 |
Alice Blue | #f0f8ff |
Gainsboro | #dcdcdc |
Umm Mild Green | #99ff99 |
Gold | #ffd700 |
Moccasin | #ffe4b5 |
Umm Lilac | #ffddee |
Lavender | #e6e6fa |
Light Cyan | #e0ffff |
Silver* | #c0c0c0 |
Umm Neon Green | #33ff00 |
Umm Desert | #dfcc93 |
Umm Soft Orange | #ff9966 |
Umm Rose | #ffc6d7 |
Umm Pale Sky | #ddeeff |
Umm Sky | #99ccff |
Umm Stormy | #4c4c4c |
Dark Green | #006400 |
Umm Brown | #663300 |
Umm Dark Maroon | #660000 |
Indigo | #4b0082 |
Umm Deep Blue | #000099 |
House of Oo Blue | #001155 |