The Judea Independent

News with a fresh perspective for today’s open minds

Passion Cover Page

This is the beginning of a work in progress. Eventually this section will contain news stories from the week during which Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and rose again; so far only the resurrection story has been posted. The stories are written as though the events had just taken place, and also as though there was Internet back then (which obviously there wasn’t), but otherwise, great effort is taken to hold true to historical events. Numerous sources have been consulted (including books as well as online sources) to ensure historical accuracy. But the reason for posting these stories is to bring home to the reader the significance of the events related in them. My hope and prayer is that you will both enjoy and be inspired by these articles.

Just a note on the dates, for anyone unfamiliar: AUC stands for Ab Urbe Condita, which is Latin for “from the foundation of the city” (Rome). This was the dating system in use during the time of Christ. We would call that year AD 30, but the AD/BC dates were not used until centuries later.

Web posting times given in the articles are obviously fictitious but may have been realistic had there been Internet news service in Biblical times.