Awesome Pancakes

A favorite for Sunday brunch at our house; makes great waffles too.

Spray 10 inch (25 cm) frypan or skillet with nonstick cooking spray, then place over medium heat. Combine dry ingredients, then add egg and liquids, stirring just until combined (a few small lumps may remain; that’s OK). Pour enough batter into pan to cover about half the width of the pan; spread out slightly with spoon. Bake until top is covered with bubbles (about two minutes or so) and just begins to dry around the edges, then flip with spatula and bake about half a minute on the other side. Serve immediately with butter and syrup. Makes four; recipe may be doubled. Pan may need to be sprayed again each time, before adding more batter.

Tasty Variations

  1. Cornmeal may be substituted for some of the flour; other grains such as buckwheat will work also. My favorite blend is all whole grain: 2 parts whole wheat flour to 1 part each cornmeal and quick (not instant) oatmeal (decrease milk by 1 tablespoon).
  2. Nonfat dry milk may be used in place of liquid milk. Use water for the liquid and add 1/3 cup dry milk with the dry ingredients.
  3. One of my favorite variations is to substitute fresh apple juice for the milk. Decrease baking powder to one teaspoon and add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.
  4. Try adding 2 tablespoons of cocoa, or 1 teaspoon of instant coffee powder—or both, for that matter! Mocha spice pancakes, made with my whole grain blend in (1) above plus cocoa, instant coffee and spices, are a big hit at our house.

Also, try the ones based on the Kharlie M Special; the recipe is midway down the page, under “More Recipes.”