The write-ups with photos appear as they did on July 30,
2014. Updates appear below.
In addition to the instruments and vocals listed below, often a shaker
and/or tambourine is played as well. Candace also plays the ukulele,
but so far not with the band.
Mainly instrumental in organizing the band and steering its
direction; the band was actually Dan’s concept to begin with. Many of
the meetings and practices, and (so far) all of the recording sessions
have been held at his home. Independently, he has released seven EPs
on Bandcamp (generally four to six songs each), beginning June 12, 2010.
Probably his best-known songs to date are “Hunger Moon,” “The City
Tonight,” “Slip Away,” and “Calculations.”
Dan has played keyboard with the band since the beginning of April 2014.
Dan has stepped down from the band, unable to continue the frequent
shows and traveling; he may still play at local shows in the future. ~ Though
the band’s official website declares that Dan has left Pancake Riot, he
appears in their Facebook cover photo (along with Kat, Candace, and Robbie),
posted on July 6, 2014.
Candace Griffin guitar, guitanjo, vocals
A quality singer-songwriter herself, Candace has been making
music in Wisconsin for nearly ten years. Her voice is clear, soothing,
yet powerful; her styles range from folk to alternative pop to country.
Her first Bandcamp EP, A Lesson in Keeping Quiet, was released
June 27, 2013; another is in the works. Recent songs include “In the
Morning,” “Burn the Candles,” “Homecoming” (co-written with Kat) and
“Enjoy the Ride.”
Katarina (Kat) Farnsworth acoustic bass guitar, guitar, harmonica, vocals
With a clear voice and sweet smile, Kat has performed publicly only
since October 2, 2013 (at Mocha Moment; set included original song “Suffocating”)
but already has a great stage presence and exudes confidence. She has written
some great songs for the band but hasn’t formally released any solo work yet.
She also helps with promotion and flyers for the band. Recent songs include
“2,100 Miles” and “Wisconsin.”
Robbie Haas guitar, occasional vocals
A handsome, innocent smile and deep, melancholy vocals characterize
this young man. His recent self-titled album on PureVolume (under the band
name, Elmer and the Ceramic Trees) showcases his songwriting as well
as his skills on guitar, bass, and his prowess in recording, mixing, and
mastering. His best-known songs are “Drive Away,” “Problem Child,” and
“The Letter.”
Angelea Presti official photographer
She took the photos shown here (except as noted; this photo was taken
by Jeff Robichaud). She is also listed as General Manager on the band’s
Facebook page.
Formerly in the band, and part of its beginning:
Isaac Evenson guitar, acoustic bass guitar, guitanjo
The band’s newest member (joined January 3, 2014) says he isn’t much
of a singer, though his deep speaking voice is pleasant. But his guitar skills
are the bomb: his recent recordings on Bandcamp (Ghosts of Winter
and A Hermit’s Melody, both released January 4, 2014) demonstrate this.
Isaac gradually phased out of the band between April and June (he did not
play any of the June shows); the frequent shows and traveling proved too demanding
for him.
Jeff Robichaud cajón and cymbal percussion, mandolin
(left band on March 25, 2014)
Heavily influenced by modern folk artists such as Ray LaMontagne, Jeff
writes songs that are deeply philosophical in nature, with chord progressions
ranging from simple to lush. He also does cover songs. For this band, he has
done mainly percussion, though he has played guitar or even mandolin. Jeff’s
best-known originals are “Stoplights” and “Wax and Wane.”
Jeff changed jobs and began working nights beginning March 31, and
moved to another city in June, so he has left the band (officially),
though he may still record some percussion or background vocals for the band.
He aims to pursue his own music as well, playing guitar, ukulele, and mandolin,
as well as doing some recording.
Mackenzie Benish guitar, piano, vocals
(left band about January 17, 2014)
Though she has been writing and singing her own songs for quite
some time, her first publicly released recording was “Somewhat Intriguing,”
recorded at Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee, on May 17, 2013 (a
friend shot a video of the song four months earlier, on a breezy winter
day, and it was still very good). She has done several shows in the area
since then. Another favorite original is “Poets in Our Sleep.”
This photo is taken from Mackenzie’s Bandcamp page; it was
the cover photo for “Somewhat Intriguing.”
Charlie Petitt keyboard, ukulele, vocals
(left band on January 17, 2014)
By far the oldest member of the group, the self-proclaimed
“Little Mmm Guy” has been writing and singing original songs since 1982.
His first solo CD, entitled Umm… was released June 22, 2007
under his own private label, Ummamum Music; more releases are planned for
2014. Charlie’s involvement with the band was limited due to his
work schedule, so he decided to drop out. The band has played two of his
many songs: “Minnesota Highway” and “All Over.”
This photo, taken by Wendi Petitt on September 7, 2007, was used
on the cover of Charlie’s self-titled album, which was a remake
of Umm…
What Are They Doing Now?
As of April 6, 2022
Links not given below may appear on the On
the Web page in this section.
Danial Monson-Bergum is still on Bandcamp as The
Fur Trade. His albums include Hurricane Weather
(2013), Pyramids (2014), Gods and Saints (2016),
and The Steps I Came In On (2018). He released
a single, “Radiation,” in October, 2021.
Candace Griffin is still active musically and
often plays shows alongside Kat and the Hurricane (see Kat
below). She has five albums on Bandcamp:
A Lesson in Keeping Quiet (2013), The Way Home
(2015), Misadventures (2019), Guilt Trip (2020),
and Don’t Need You to Love Me (2021).
Kat Farnsworth started Kat and the Hurricane
as a solo project in 2015, then joined with Benjamin Coakley
in February, 2018 to make it a band. Next, they found a drummer,
Ryan Thomas, who also did some recording for them. Ryan left
the band, and Alex Nelson is with them now.
Based in Madison, WI, they deliver a unique blend of
synth-pop and haunting indie rock, which they dub as “Sad
Lesbian Music.” Their albums include Miles Away (2017),
Libra (2020), and The Sorry EP (2021).
Robbie Haas performs and records as Elmer and
the Ceramic Trees. His albums include Elmer and the
Ceramic Trees (2014), SaturdayNight Satellite (2014),
Maps of Outer Space (2016), and Isolation Masquerade
Isaac Evenson has two albums on Bandcamp,
both mentioned above.
Jeff Robichaud started a solo project called Clouds
as Mountains; find his links at the On
the Web page in this section.
Mackenzie Benish teamed up with Victoria Pearl in
February, 2016 to form a duo called Prone to Sorrow. They have
played quite a few shows and sound great.
Charlie Petitt took the stage name Kharlie M on
October 4, 2014. He has released two albums as Kharlie M:
Come On, Kharlie M (2018) and The Child in You
(2021). He reissued the only full album produced under his
given name (Umm…) in 2021. His official website is;
everything else can be found from there.