Fall & Winter, 2001–2002
Wendi came up with some interesting ideas for new Ummamums, but they didn’t materialize until July 17, 2002. Her goofy creations appear on this page.
Another lady named Wendi linked to this page from the June 23, 2003 entry in her weblog entitled Ball and Chain (it’s no longer online). She said that Ummamum’s World is “really cute and worth checking out.”
This vampire Ummamum wears a black cape and will drink your blood if you aren’t careful! Wendi tells me that I look like a “stupid vampire” when I do the Ummamum.
By the way, we got that weird font from FontFile.com (that site appears to be gone now too). It’s called “Grave Digger.”
As for the computer art, it was created by me—Charlie Petitt. But the ideas were purely Wendi’s.
If you’re sick or hurting, don’t despair. Just call on Dr. Ummamum—he’ll be right there! Of course he will listen to your heart. The question is: will you?
Wendi was just goofing around when she drew this Ummamum—the one below, wearing the Green Bay Packer hat. She was trying to deal with the loss of my father, plus all of the pain and stress she felt at the time. Apparently, this provided a needed escape. She never intended this for publication, but she agreed to it in July of 2002, when I made this page.