This is just a brief note to let everyone know that the new 21st Anniversary Edition of The Oo Kingdom is now officially online. More details on this and other news will soon follow.
Wendi and I have been married 21 years today. Happy Anniversary, My Love!
An informational page is now online about the new edition of the site. Most will find the current rough draft to be confusing and altogether too technical; it will be refined in the future. The page contains links to more information that is more understandable.
Sunny got his splint off September 26, and he is doing fine. He and Shadow have been getting along well since September 24. We took him to the vet for shots and deworming on October 7. He weighed 1.08 kg (2 pounds, 6 ounces) then, up from 0.67 kg (1 pound, 7.5 ounces) when we first got him.
Shadow caught a cold and lost her voice; we took her to the vet on October 9. They gave her two shots: one was an antibiotic and the other was anti-inflammatory. She recovered quickly and is now doing fine. Her weight at the vet was 2.98 kg (6 pounds, 9 ounces).
Joe has been nominated to go on a trip to Australia in 2004 as a Student Ambassador with the People to People organization. We attended an informational meeting on October 5, and Joe will be interviewed on October 19. If he is accepted, we will need to raise about $5,000 to cover expenses for the trip. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Contact us via email at the address given on the Home page.
Whaddayaknow? I am now a bona fide X-Phile.
Wendi and I celebrated our 21st anniversary on Thursday. We had steak for dinner at home, with Broccoli Au Gratin potatoes, green bean casserole, crescent rolls and sparkling apple juice—a pretty fancy meal for us. It was very good! We had cake and ice cream for dessert.
Late last evening, I updated the Family page and this October News Archive page (which had no content until then).
Our Site Map has been simplified so people can actually use it now. I find that the Google search is also a great option, if you select “Search”.
We’re only two days into the 21st Anniversary Edition,
and already I’ve updated the script that makes Internet Explorer
display “quotation marks” with the q
I believe every quotation on the site renders correctly now.
Joe was interviewed for People to People at 11:15 a.m. Sunday. It went well. We were told that the recommendation letters said some very strong positive things about Joe. He was accepted conditionally to the program—the conditions are that we get through the 12 hours of required instruction and meet financial obligations.
We had a nice celebration dinner Sunday evening: Oven Fry Extra Crispy Chicken (legs and thighs); homemade Au Gratin potatoes; leftover green bean casserole; sparkling cider and sparkling apple cranberry juice to drink.
Also on Sunday evening (7:00–9:30) we played a game of Monopoly, which Joe finally won (I went out first). At 8:30 p.m. something very unusual happened: all three of us landed in Jail in the same turn! First I landed on the “Go to Jail” space; then Wendi got the “Go Directly to Jail” card; finally Joe rolled doubles three times. Each of us had to pay to get out of Jail, too.
We finished up the evening with root beer floats.
This morning I ran across an AM classic country station: KWKH (1130 kHz) from Shreveport, Louisiana. At about 6:50 a.m. a schoolgirl phoned in and requested a song entitled “We’re in the Jailhouse Now” by Webb Pierce (this would never happen here in Wisconsin!). The girl said that it was Monday and she had to go back to school, so she felt like she was in the jailhouse herself.
Our informational page entitled The 21st Anniversary Edition, now in its final form, tells what’s new on the site, what works and what doesn’t, and how and why it all happened.
Daylight Saving Time ends in most locations on Sunday, October 26, 2003. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night if this applies to you.
All links on this domain have just been checked and updated.
Shadow had an eye infection a week ago today; they prescribed some ointment for her, and now the infection is cleared up. Both kittens are now doing fine.
Many website designers are now migrating from HTML to XHTML in an effort to become more standards compliant. After two-and-a-half years of using XHTML on The Oo Kingdom, I am doing exactly the opposite. This page explains why (use the link above).
Joe has been chosen to go on a trip to Australia in 2004 as a Student Ambassador with the People to People organization. We will need to raise about $5,000 to cover expenses for the trip. As much as I hate asking for money, any donations would be greatly appreciated. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Charles Petitt and should be sent to this address:
909 W Van Buren St
Janesville, WI 53548
Happy Halloween!
(answer to “I’m Quitting XHTML”)
Two days ago, I announced that I would be converting the site back to HTML 4.01 Strict. In a move reminiscent of the Ummamum/Oo confusion in 2001, I have decided to keep the current 21st Anniversary Edition intact. This page addresses the issues raised by the previous one.