Asha Gets Papa and Nana to Laugh

December 30, 2018
Posted here February 17, 2022

Wendi and I went to church and took Asha along (10:30 service) for the first time without her parents. After church, we went grocery shopping at Woodman’s.

It took Wendi and me several minutes to figure out how Asha’s car seat buckles (it buckles in four places) to get to church. Getting her out was no problem, nor was getting her back in to go to Woodman’s. But when we got to Woodman’s, I had trouble pushing the release buttons firmly enough to loosen the straps. As I was struggling, I heard Asha say, “Come on, Kharlie M!” She had heard me say this to myself in similar situations. I started laughing, then had to explain why to Wendi. Occasionally in the store, Asha would start in with “Come on, Kharlie M! Come on, Kharlie M!” and laugh. Other times, she did “Ummamums” and “Mmmm Mmms” which are some other goofy things I say from time to time.