Posted January 29, 2022
Updated March 8, 2022
Back in 1999, the rock band Train released a song called “Meet Virginia.” This page has nothing to do with it; Olivia is our new cat.
Since we’ve owned our home, a total of eight cats have lived with us. Our original three—Shadow, Sunny, and Stormy—appear on our archived Cats page. A cat named B.B. spent 20 hours with us in 2004, and another cat named Nermal lived with us for a short time (until January 11, 2008). Joe and his family had three cats: Spock, Aurora, and Wisp; they all lived here from October 8, 2018 until July 12, 2019 (Aurora had already stayed with us since July 16, 2017).
Shadow moved to Minnesota with Joe and his wife on April 13, 2013; she passed away at their home on October 12, 2014. Sunny passed away on December 2, 2016. Finally, Stormy crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on November 8, 2021. Wendi and I were undecided as to whether or not we should get another cat, as we were now “catless” for the first time since 2003. By Christmas, we had decided to go for another cat, but no kittens this time, and preferably a female.
Olivia came to us on New Year’s Day; a nice lady and her son brought her over. She came with a cat tree—three levels of plush platforms with a bed on the top level; a nice covered litter box and a supply of litter, food, and treats. Olivia is a medium-sized cat, all black, healthy and strong. She is no kitten; she is 10 years old, almost 11. We were told that Olivia loves to be brushed and likes taking baths in the kitchen sink.
Adjusting to new owners has been somewhat challenging for this older cat. On her first day here, she hid under the bed. After that, she found the upstairs room and spent most of her time up there until I fashioned a door out of cardboard to block it off. The vet recommended pheromones; I found a nice diffuser (like a Glade® PlugIn but for pheromones) that runs in our living room. Over time, Olivia is becoming more comfortable with us; she comes to me, meowing, for food or water, and I can pet her or brush her freely. She hasn't completely warmed up to Wendi yet, but I’m sure she will come around.
Update, March 8, 2022:
Joe and Elizabeth had to say goodbye to Aurora; she passed away on July 7, 2021.
They got two new female cats, sisters, both 11 months old, on January 18, 2022. Their names are Luna and Sabrina.