News Archive: November 2002

November 1, 2002

Green leaves

Fall colors were at their peak in Janesville yesterday. This morning, after a hard freeze, leaves of various colors are falling like snow across the city, under a clear blue sky. This yard is covered in green ones.

Take a moment to visit our new site, A Heavenly Ummamum. It’s filled with inspirational, heart-warming and thought-provoking stories and verse.

We had a bit of confusion at home yesterday about what color is “jade green.” This morning I did a Google search on jade green and found that jade green can be a fair variety of colors. To some, it’s almost blue; to others, it’s a slightly yellowish green. To all, it appears to be a bit on the light side. One Japanese Web page, entitiled Jade Green Tea Journal (no longer online), uses a background color identical to our own Umm Mint Green.

November 5, 2002

All links in the Oo Kingdom have been checked and updated.

November 7, 2002

Upcoming Dates:

Spiritual Food for Thought makes its debut at

November 8, 2002

(10:52 p.m.) We found some more bookmarks! Visit Wendi’s Pretty Bookmarks for the full story.

November 16, 2002

Today is the one year anniversary of The Oo Kingdom online.

This site got another (minor) face lift. Read the details in our brief report on Version 7.02.

November 17, 2002

Two hilarious pieces have been added to Just For Laughs:

November 23, 2002

We are happy to announce that this site is now being hosted by (This is no longer the case.)