A Walk, a Run, and Two Surgeries

October and November, 2012
Posted here April 15, 2022

Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis

Saturday, November 10, 2012
with Wendi M Petitt at The Janesville Athletic Club

Walked 3.04 miles (9:28–10:23). Jingle Bell Run/Walk for arthritis. Lovely day. Wendi pushed the wheelchair 0.23 mile walking, and pushed herself some in the chair also. Nice walk!

We started out walking fairly slowly. I used my RunKeeper app, and it showed strong negative splits on each mile: 20 minutes, then 18, then 15:42 on the third mile. At one point, Wendi was pushing herself in the chair, using the big wheel, and she was going fast enough that I had to run to catch up! I was also walking quickly while pushing the chair; we passed quite a few other walkers toward the end of the course, finishing in 54:34 which was way faster than we had anticipated.

Thanksgiving Day Group Run

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I (Charlie) participated in a group run at 7 am with Ron Mowry, who goes to our church. I ran 6 miles.

Wendi’s Surgeries

On Friday, October 5, 2012, Wendi underwent the first of three knee surgeries; in this one, they removed the old hardware from previous realignment surgeries.

On Tuesday, November 27, 2012, Wendi had her left knee replaced at Mercy Hospital.