Version 21 Goes Live

Posted Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The new version of this website went live last month: the Weather section and the root directory (Home page, What is the Oo Kingdom, Our Family, Useful Links) were converted between February 18 and 20. The Links page content was updated on February 28.

The general design is similar to that used for the recent conversion of

The sections currently in Versions 16 and 17 (dating from 2008 and 2009) will be converted next: Just for Laughs, Ummamum’s World, Yummy Recipes (currently titled Ummy’s Nummies), Calculators & Charts (currently titled Metric Conversions, Etc.), and Web Design. Much of Web Design is horribly obsolete and may disappear; the calculator tools need a more up-to-date design. Some content in the other three sections may be revised also.

After that (and that could take some time), the remaining sections will be completed: Our Faith, Inspirational Pieces (which will keep the current title, A Heavenly Ummamum), Seasons & Holidays, Picture Gallery (currently titled Oo’s Picture Place). The last section to be converted will be The King’s Book which will include the old News Archive and Oo’s Writings. At this point, I’m not sure whether to title the whole thing The King’s Book or Oo’s Writings, as either may work just as well.

Oddly, if you are reading this post from the Home page, it will be in Version 21, but the actual post in The King’s Book (at the time of this writing) is in Version 20*; this will remain until the whole section is converted at the very end of the whole process. Please bear with the mess during this long conversion process.

(*This page was finally converted to Version 21 on January 14, 2022.)